Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Christmas Miracle

I recall, not so long ago, being frustrated about the absence of miracles in my life.  I thought that as a Believer, I should experience and witness miracles on a regular basis, but that just wasn’t the case.  I was missing out, missing wonder and missing joy.

A year and a half ago I entered into counseling, specifically because of a horrible break-up that I just could not move past.  I made up my mind going into it that I would be vulnerable and transparent.  I learned very quickly that one of the keys to recovery was to dive into the grief, and boy, did I ever do that.  I got an A+ in grief class.  I cried out to God on a regular basis, pleading with Him to rescue me from my suffering.  Out of sheer exhaustion, I started to examine my childhood upbringing and saw how it led to making some poor choices.  For the record, I love my parents deeply and I may or may not have been a challenge to raise.  I made note of every skewed thought that didn’t line up with what I knew to be true about God and how He loves us.  Intellectually, I got it, and believed everything I read in the Bible about God’s love, but I wondered if really feeling that love in your heart was an experience reserved for others.  For a very long time I felt like God had abandoned me and I wasn’t really sure if I could trust Him enough to completely surrender to Him.

I don’t exactly know how or when it occurred, but God redeemed my life.   There have been many revelations and lessons along the way and I believe that God revealed them to me not randomly, but as I was ready and according to His purpose.  I learned that judgment (of myself and of others) was a prevailing problem for me and when I learned to approach things without any preconceived ideas, it felt as if a toxin was eliminated from my body, leaving me with a powerful clarity.  Through my own pain, I instinctively became more compassionate towards others who are suffering.  I’ve always been a generous person, but I learned what it meant to be selfless, and how selflessness brings about beautiful and Christ-glorifying experiences and relationships.  I set proper boundaries that helped guard my heart and eliminate chaos in my life.  I identified my core values and stay true to them by basing all of my decisions on those values, becoming increasingly happy and fulfilled.  Through all of these things, I found in my heart a genuine spirit of thankfulness and realized that all of it is a manifestation of God’s love for me.  This is Christ living in me and I’m just beginning to see how magnetic that is, all for God’s glory, not mine.

I see miracles all the time now.   Nature and our bodies are miracles.  Science, beautiful music, art and medicine are miracles.  The idea that a Man, who was also God, willingly took His place on a cross to die an agonizing death for me, yet defeated death once and for all by way of a Resurrection, is a humbling miracle that I think about daily.  God  took a woman full of shame, self-loathing, anger and bitterness, restored her dignity and lovingly guided her to a place where she could see her identity and purpose.  She is bold and thankful and fearless and beautiful.  Her story is a miracle.

Enough about me, I think.  Starting with my next post, I'm officially turning Lost My Mind And Found My Purpose into a blog primarily about food.  Talking and writing about food, after's beauty, it's preparation, it's enjoyment... is pretty much my purpose.

Stay tuned!


  1. I'm so happy to hear of your tremendous healing, Lisa. God is good!
    Philippians 1:6
    <3 Julie

  2. Very much so, Julie! Thank you for reaching out to me with that extremely appropriate verse!

  3. Love it! Can't wait for the next one since we share a passion.

  4. Thank you for sharing and being transparent! Any chance the food can be e-consumed! HA HA HA.. Miss you! God loves you, pray that I tap into that clarity!

  5. This is beautiful, Lisa!! Alli
